Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Time for teenager

We're a dreamin and make it becomes true

                           We're young but not child. We're old but not adult. We're a teenagers.
                                                            Yes we're TEENAGERS.

This time we're the best part of being a teenager. We can laugh with friends all the time, we can cry with bad reason, we can make mistakes with a poor think. We can make people around us dizziness with naughty stupid cupid. We hv anemy. We hv haters. We hv ex boyf or girlf. But on the other eyes. We can make a proud our parents. We can make a people around us smile:) We hv parents. We hv sisters and brothers. We hv  Bestfriends. We hv fans. We hv girlf or boyf. We hv people who love we just the way you are.

Sometimes teenager feel so lonely. No one cares with our. No one can feel what our feel. Isn't right? They're busy with their work. We are like one person in this world who Stand up in this earth but no one human love our. Do you ever feel like that? Honestly I once feel like that. But if that bad feel come to me. I remember who create this world and problems and all this world. The answer is Allah.swt. I'm learn to mature and stronger. If nobody loves and cares with me, remember any Allah.swt. "God plans is better than human" remeber that.

Just it flow. Let it problems flow and lose drowned in luck. Believe it! You still hv Mommy:) She is one person in the wold I never had. Maybe just she can know I feel and understand our needed when nobody understand. So don't ever make her sad or cry. Cause you'll lament if your mom hem gone. Trust me! And you've Daddy too. So why you feel so lonely?

Smile:) Cause you've BESTFRIENDS  you've SISTER nd BROTHERS nd maybe you've BOYF or GIRLF -__- wkwk Without you know somany people love you but sometimes you don't know who's she or he. But believe it or not. He's any around you. She's love you.

Remember guys, The teenagers years only once. So don't spend your good times with sumthin that is  not useful. But you can fill that with sumthin useful. You can create your aim from now. Just for preapere but not very serious. Just remember we'll the next leaders in this world! So study hard and make your dream become true. And don't be afraid to you stand up alone on the earth cause "I'll be there":D and we'll make all proud with our achievement.

                                                            We're Original. Cannot be replaced!

Maaf buat bahasa Inggris gue yg mungkin agak sedikit berantakan. Maklum masih dalam pembelajaran ;) hehe. Enjoy for read! Bye dude!!!

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


halo halo halo hari ini tanggal 04 juni 2011. Hari ini adalah hari yang menengangkan buat gue dan seluruh anak grade 9 Indonesia. Soalnya hari ini pengumuman kelulusan untuk tingkat SMP dan sederajat. Hem degdegan iya pasti tapi ya berdoa aja deeeh yang penting udah usaha yang terbaik.

Jadi pas malem nya tuh temen-temen twitter udah pada tau lulus apa gak nya malah udah ada yang tau nem nya. Lah gue? Sama sekali blm tau apa-apa. Eh di fb dipi ngirim wall kayak gini nih hihiw gue udah kesenengan trus sujud syukur wkwk ya informasinya lumayan bisa dipercaya soalnya hehe. Tapi blm percaya 100% -_- nah udah gitu besok nya tuh kita disuruh dateng ke sekolah jam 8 pagi katanya ada pengarahan gitu. Eh tau gak tau gak besok pagi nya itu gue bangun jam 8 lewat 8 menit -_- damn! Pas gue bangun udah terang banget rencana nya mau bangun jam 6 ehhh malah keblablasan. Tapi gerak cepet gue keluar wkwk buru-buru mandi (sekitar 10 menit) udah gitu pake baju dan cepet-cepet liat koran ternyata.........................dikoran gak ada apa-apa berita mengenai kelulusan smp what the fck -__- dikira gue kayak sma udah langsung apa berita yg sma lulus 100% eh ternyata gak ada uououo trus langsung kesekolah.

Sesampai disekolah tengkonengkoneng udah pada bubar, dikirain gue udah pada liat pengumuman trus mereka mau pulang. Tapi ternyata G: "Mau kemana kalian?" D: "Mau beli pilok sm spidol" G: *tampangmules-_-* trus ada temen gue satu lagi katanya smp kita lulus 100% tinggal liat pengumuman aja jam 10. Alhamdulillah banget Ya Allah ternyata semuannya udah fix kita semua lulus (y) seneng seneng bangeeet hihiw. Gak sia-sia belajar tiga tahun bareng-bareng kalo hasil nya 100% lulus, horeee gak ada air mata jatoh dong:p kalo ada ya itu air mata bahagia :D

Dan jam 10 pun datang tiba saat nya kertas nomer ujian ditempel sebetulnya siiiih ya udah agak santai tapi masih ada aja tuh temen-temen yang berebutan liat hehew mungkin biar mastiin lagi ya. Pas liat nomer nya desak desakan lagi -_- Gue juga liat tuh wkwk eh taunya nomer nya berurutan so what? LULUS 100% Alhamdulillah :D trus temen-temen pada heboh corat coret tebak apa? Ya pastinya lo pada juga udah pada tau ya ._. Nih ada fotonya tapi baru sedikit itu foto bye Sabira hehe, Foto yg lain blm pada ada. Masalah bagus apa gak nya corat coret baju sih itu masalah masing-masing ya, privasi masing-masing, yg mau coret ya coret buat kenang-kenagan yg gamau yaudah nonton aja wkwk. Dan seseorang gabisa ngejudge kalo yg coret-coret baju itu anak-anak yang gatau bersyukur atau apalah seperti opini masyarakat. Kalo menurut gue itusih masih dbatas wajar kalo corat coret nya gak berlebihan ya buat kenangan lah dimasa tua nanti, barang yg bisa dikenang semacem itulah :D So my privacy is my way! Don't judge someone if you know he or she!

Yang pasti seneng banget hari ini ;-) ehhh btw ini udah masuk 5 juni ya? Ya tapi gapapa deh :P  
Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. Terimakasih. We are comin' SHS. We are leavin' JHS.